The Black Widow Tetra is a schooling fish, also commonly known as a ‘Black Skirt Tetra’.
Many Tetras are omnivorous and will readily take most types of aquarium foods used in the hobby. Due to the small size of many species, ensure that food particles are not too large for their small mouths. We recommend feeding a small dry pellet in conjunction with AI Naturals Range Frozen Tropical Mix, and Frozen Brine Shrimp to provide a balanced diet.
Tetras are best kept in large schools (minimum 6 in the group) and different species can generally be kept together with few problems. Tetras will also mix readily with a range of species and are generally an ideal community fish – however as many species are relatively small, it is not a good idea to mix them with species that grow large such as Oscars. Some species can be prone to eating aquatic plants