The Longhorn Boxfish have a unique square/ box shaped yellow body, speckled with blue spots. They also have horns above theirs eye protruding forward in front of their bodies.
Marine fish are some of the most beautiful fish available, and their interesting behaviour, bright colours, and wide range of body shapes and sizes lend interest and colour to the home aquarium.
Their care requirements are different to those of freshwater fish however, and their tolerance for variations in such parameters as temperature and pH is less than that of freshwater fish. The ocean itself is remarkably stable, with very little fluctuation on a daily or even annual basis, and for that reason it is very important to maintain a stable environment for any Marine fish held in an aquarium. It is important to spend time in establishing the tank well before adding any fish, and to monitor the conditions in the tank regularly once it is established.
Many people achieve this, with the establishment of a regular routine and a few good maintenance habits. Below you will find a guide to establishing and maintaining your own Marine tank. This guide will act as a basic introduction, but is by no means comprehensive