
Guppy – Cobra

Poecilia reticulata
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The Cobra Guppies have a fascinating spotted pattern on their entire bodies, the female cobras also show the pattern however it is not as vibrant.


The Cobra Guppy has a fascinating spotted pattern on their entire bodies, the female cobras also show the pattern however it is not as vibrant.

Guppies are probably the most popular livebearer among both aquarium owners and advanced breeders. The once humble, dull-coloured guppy has become a sort after fish for hobbyists with selective breeding resulting in many varieties of spectacular colourations and finnage. These fish are generally robust and tolerant of a wide range of aquarium conditions – for this reason they are often recommended for beginners. However, because of intense selective breeding, fancy guppies can be harder to maintain than their wild ancestors.

For this reason it is important to try and match their tank conditions to their requirements of slightly hard and alkaline conditions, otherwise they can become weak and prone to bacterial infections. are prone to bacterial diseases in soft water, and new shipments should be treated with a preventative treatment if you are experiencing problems. Interestingly, guppies introduced into uncrowded home aquariums, where the water is well aged and there is plant life and algae to graze, can make the transition from the previously described hard water, with little or no ill effects. This is attributed to the higher levels of stress fish are exposed to under commercial conditions, such as fish constantly coming in and out of tanks, more handling, and higher densities.

Aquarium Industries Care Sheet